How to Migrate

How to Migrate to V2

In order to keep earning staking rewards, $KWENTA trading rewards, and rewards boosts, you will need to migrate your $KWENTA & V1 Escrow entries to the new staking contract. Relax, it's gonna be easy! But wait! Do I need to migrate?

  • Only $KWENTA staked in the new v2 contracts will count towards any DAO voting power

  • Early vest fee distribution starts once staking v2 is live

  • Inflationary as well as Trading Rewards will only be allocated to V2 stakers

The migration step will appear anytime a staker has any $KWENTA in the V1 contract that needs to be ported over.

Before starting the migration, make sure you have enough ETH in the wallet to pay for gas.The more vesting entries, the more expensive migration will be.

Go to, and connect your wallet; the migration helper will be available once an eligible wallet is connected.

✅ Step 2: Claim your final v1 rewards

Before starting their migration to v2, stakers need to claim any pending inflationary & $KWENTA trading rewards.

✅ Step 3: Register your v1 entries

The first step is to register your v1 escrow entries. This allows them to be recreated in v2.

⚠️ Please note: Once this step is initiated, you have two weeks to complete migration before being permanently locked out of staking. ⚠️

If multiple transactions are necessary, the migration guide will assist you.

Max batch sizes for migration functions:

  • Register- 500 Entries per transaction

  • Vest - 2000 Entries per transaction

  • Migrate - 175 entries per transaction

✅ Step 4: Vest your v1 escrow

Vesting is necessary to move all $KWENTA out of v1.

Don't worry! You won't forfeit any early vest fees as long as you complete the migration.

✅ Step 5: Approve the migration contract to spend your $KWENTA

This allows the migration contract to move the vested $KWENTA into the new v2 contract, which is necessary for step 6.

✅ Step 6: Migrate all entries

This reunites your vested $KWENTA with the rest of your balance, recreating the vesting schedule in the new contract.

✅ Step 7: Pop champaign! 🥂

Your migration was successful! Welcome to v2!

Stake your $KWENTA tokens into the new staking contract.

You are now transferred to the new staking contracts and ready to continue earning Inflationary and trading Rewards. Stakers should note some changes and benefits of migrating to v2 staking outlined here.

Last updated