Backup RPCs

Data queries and transaction submissions are facilitated through an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) URL. Occasionally, the responsiveness of the RPC URL may be suboptimal, causing slow data loading or an inability to load data on your page. Additionally, exceeding the rate limit for the public RPC URL may result in 429 errors.

To maintain uninterrupted use of the exchange during such periods, you can opt for a backup URL from service providers like Alchemy, Ankr or QuickNode. By changing the RPC URL in your wallet's network settings, the page should load properly. You can visit to access a comprehensive list of RPC URLs and their respective statuses.

Steps to change the RPC URL in MetaMask

  • Click on the MetaMask icon

  • Click on the three-dot icon and select Expand View

  • Click on your account icon on the top right and select Settings

  • Click on Networks

  • Key in the New RPC URL

  • Click Save

Last updated