Access Kwenta

Different way on how to access Kwenta

Copies of the Kwenta deployment, in case the endorsed deployment is not available, can be found at the following places:

In order to access the IPFS deployment via the IPNS record, Brave Browser and/or the IPFS companion extension might be needed. Those can be access then by using the following:

  • ipns://kwenta.eth

  • ipfs://bafybeie67qpog5obr334sxifvfrtkixc6dlnrpruhb7m2quildcm6usplm

Legacy Deployments

The old Synthetix Perpetual Futures V1 contracts and its respective deployments can be accessed through:

The old isolated margin deployment for Synthetix Perpetual Futures V2 contracts can be found here:

Last updated

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